Exit the maze in only 20s.

Click on the maze to move, go to the blue dot.

The mazes are procedurally generated and rated for the level you have chosen.

Meaning of the colors of the tiles in the maze:

  • Yellow: The part you have explored. You can backtrack anytime to any part already explored if you feel you are in the wrong path.
  • White: Parts of the maze near you. You can click on those tiles to go there.
  • Brown: Marks where the maze continues near the yellow and white tiles. You will need to click tiles near these brown tiles to explore further into the dungeon.
  • Blue: The goal.

Additionally, on the completed and score screens, you will see the optimal path marked in green.

Good luck!

NOTE: Although you can move with the cursors, completing a maze using the cursors is almost impossible, even for the easy one. Use the mouse!


20smaze-v2.exe 4.8 MB
20smaze-v2 504 kB
20smaze 502 kB
20smaze-altversion 496 kB

Install instructions

For windows 64 bits there is a portable binary: 20smaze-v2.exe . Just double click on it and it will run.

For Linux, there is a x86_64 binary that depends on SDL2 and SDL2_ttf: 20smaze-v2 . Follow the same instructions as for the old version of the game (see below).

Old version of the game:

The files "20smaze" and "20smaze-altversion" are linux binaries for x86_64. They are compiled in different linux versions, so if your linux distribution is not very recent, use the 20smaze-altversion, otherwise use "20smaze" .

They require sdl2 and sdl2-ttf; for debian/ubuntu and derivatives, they can be installed from command line with:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0

After downloading the program, change the permissions so it is executable (it can be done from the file manager, or from command-line with "chmod a+x 20smaze*"). Then you will be able to run the program.

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